13 January 2013

tweets and intentions

I read an article today about a Franciscan province that has begun allowing prayer intentions to be tweeted to the friars who then will pray for the intention. I haven't looked closely into the precise mechanism. This isn't entirely new: I've seen a site that allowed people to email petitions to be placed in the Western Wall, and another that accepted emailed petitions for placement at the grave of the Baal Shem Tov.

I don't have anything against these practices although I think that they do raise interesting questions about networks, communication, and the ways we define communities of prayer.

Does anyone know if any of the hierarchy here in Finland have twitter accounts? Or the Ecumenical Patriarch? Or any other patriarch, for that matter? (And yes, I know Pope Benedict has a twitter account, though I wonder if all his tweets, like that of not a few public figures, are written by him.)

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